迷宫是一个矩形区域,它有一个入口和一个出口。在迷宫的内部包含不能穿越的墙或障碍。迷宫的入口在左上角,出口在右下角。假定用n*m的矩阵来描述迷宫,位置(1,1)表示入口,(n,m)表示出口,n和m分别代表迷宫的行数和列数。迷宫中的每个位置都可用其行号和列号来指定。在矩阵中,当且仅当在位置(i,j)处有一个障碍时其值为1,否则其值为零。(即0表示能通过,1 表示不能通过。)现假设老鼠从左上角[1,1]进入迷宫,编写算法,寻求一条从右下角[m,n] 出去的路径。
-Data structures, maze mouse problem solving maze is a rectangular area, it has an entrance and an exit. Contains in the maze of internal walls or obstacles that can not be crossed. Maze entrance in the upper left corner of the exports in the lower right corner. Is assumed that a matrix of n* m to describe the labyrinth, represented by the position (1,1) inlet, (n, m) said outlet, n and m respectively represent the number of rows and number of columns of the maze. Each position are available in the maze of its row and column numbers specified. In the matrix, when and only when in the position (i, j) at an obstacle when its value is 1, otherwise its value is zero. (Ie 0 means pass, 1 can not.) It is assumed that the mouse from the top left corner [1,1] into the maze, write algorithms to seek a path out from the lower right corner [m, n]. Maze mice is a typical can solve the problem with a stack. The subject requirements we first constructed an active input dimension but randomly generate
迷宫是一个矩形区域,它有一个入口和一个出口。在迷宫的内部包含不能穿越的墙或障碍。迷宫的入口在左上角,出口在右下角。假定用n*m的矩阵来描述迷宫,位置(1,1)表示入口,(n,m)表示出口,n和m分别代表迷宫的行数和列数。迷宫中的每个位置都可用其行号和列号来指定。在矩阵中,当且仅当在位置(i,j)处有一个障碍时其值为1,否则其值为零。(即0表示能通过,1 表示不能通过。)现假设老鼠从左上角[1,1]进入迷宫,编写算法,寻求一条从右下角[m,n] 出去的路径。
-Data structures, maze mouse problem solving maze is a rectangular area, it has an entrance and an exit. Contains in the maze of internal walls or obstacles that can not be crossed. Maze entrance in the upper left corner of the exports in the lower right corner. Is assumed that a matrix of n* m to describe the labyrinth, represented by the position (1,1) inlet, (n, m) said outlet, n and m respectively represent the number of rows and number of columns of the maze. Each position are available in the maze of its row and column numbers specified. In the matrix, when and only when in the position (i, j) at an obstacle when its value is 1, otherwise its value is zero. (Ie 0 means pass, 1 can not.) It is assumed that the mouse from the top left corner [1,1] into the maze, write algorithms to seek a path out from the lower right corner [m, n]. Maze mice is a typical can solve the problem with a stack. The subject requirements we first constructed an active input dimension but randomly generate