P2fr a mework是一个开源项目。这是一个高效率的平台,使分布式系统的开发变得更加容易。通过这一平台,你可以忘记许多烦恼和琐碎的事情在分布式系统的开发(如NAT /防火墙穿越,的UDP / TCPP协议的交换机等) 。 主要的重点是在这个框架内,以减轻P2P的连接建立,数据和信息传输。与P2fr a mework ,开发商不需要照顾NAT穿越,防火墙/代理问题,可靠性的UDP和TCP短期发送/接收的
-P2fr a mework is an open source project. This is a highly efficient platform that enables the development of distributed systems easier. Through this platform, you can forget a lot of headaches and trivial things in the development of distributed systems (such as NAT/firewall traversal, the UDP/TCPP protocol switch, etc.). The main focus is within this fr a mework, in order to reduce the P2P connection is established, data and information transmission. And P2fr a mework, developers do not need to take care of NAT traversal, firewall/proxy issues, reliability of UDP and TCP short-term sending/receiving
-P2fr a mework is an open source project. This is a highly efficient platform that enables the development of distributed systems easier. Through this platform, you can forget a lot of headaches and trivial things in the development of distributed systems (such as NAT/firewall traversal, the UDP/TCPP protocol switch, etc.). The main focus is within this fr a mework, in order to reduce the P2P connection is established, data and information transmission. And P2fr a mework, developers do not need to take care of NAT traversal, firewall/proxy issues, reliability of UDP and TCP short-term sending/receiving