采用积分分离 PID控制算法将塔顶轻组分含量Y控制在0.99
3.整定效果验证:当被控过程参数时变时,如滞后时间由4→8,开环增益由3.4→6时, 讨论PID控制的响应速度及鲁棒性问题,考察当系统参数发生改变时,上述PID参数是否选取合适。
-Using integral separation PID control algorithm to control the top of the tower light component content Y 0.99 2. Verify tuning PID parameters of the relay method. Tuning effect: the change When accused of process parameters, such as the lag time from 4 → 8 open loop gain from 3.4 → 6 discussed PID control of the response speed and robustness issues investigated when the system parameters are changed, the PID parameters is selected for suitable.
3.整定效果验证:当被控过程参数时变时,如滞后时间由4→8,开环增益由3.4→6时, 讨论PID控制的响应速度及鲁棒性问题,考察当系统参数发生改变时,上述PID参数是否选取合适。
-Using integral separation PID control algorithm to control the top of the tower light component content Y 0.99 2. Verify tuning PID parameters of the relay method. Tuning effect: the change When accused of process parameters, such as the lag time from 4 → 8 open loop gain from 3.4 → 6 discussed PID control of the response speed and robustness issues investigated when the system parameters are changed, the PID parameters is selected for suitable.