冒死分享公司项目:4路、16路DVR远程视频监控软件源码4路、16路DVR网络远程监控客户端源码, 可在远程观看实时视视频图像,远程备份,远程控制DVR的基本操作。Visual C编写。内付详细软件使用说明书(WORD)版本 已通过测试。
-Risked his life to sharing the company' s projects: 4-channel, 4-channel 16-channel DVR remote video surveillance software source code, 16-channel DVR remote monitoring network client source code, the basic operation of the video images of real-time video, remote backup, remote control DVR remote viewing. Visual C preparation. Within the to pay software manual (WORD) version has been tested.
-Risked his life to sharing the company' s projects: 4-channel, 4-channel 16-channel DVR remote video surveillance software source code, 16-channel DVR remote monitoring network client source code, the basic operation of the video images of real-time video, remote backup, remote control DVR remote viewing. Visual C preparation. Within the to pay software manual (WORD) version has been tested.
Rclientsuppori\client support\support_code\bin\cximage.lib