电能计量装置正确接线是保证计量准确的前提,因为电能表、电压互感器(PT)、电流互感器(CT)的误差很小,而错接线造成的误差却可达到无穷大(错接线时的停走现象),真可谓一线之差,电量千万,所以在投运前或运行中应定期进行接线检查。接线检查可分两种情况:停电检查、带电检查。停电检查必较简单,它一般是对于新装或更换PT、CT以及其它计量装置投运前进行检查,主要内容是检查PT、CT的极性、变比及二次接线的核对工作-Correct wiring of the power measurement device to ensure accurate measurement of the premise, because the energy meter, voltage transformer (PT), current transformer (CT) is a small error and wrong wiring caused the error but can reach infinity (wrong wiring stop Walking phenomenon), described as the first-line of the difference between the amount of ten million, so should be put into operation before or run wiring checks on a regular basis. Wiring checks can be divided into two situations: power outages check, charged checks. Power outage and inspection would be relatively simple, it is generally for the newly installed or replacement of the PT, CT and other metering devices put into operation before the inspection, the main content is to check the PT, the polarity of the CT ratio and secondary wiring check