-Using VHDL language design table tennis game consoles, a competition by both parties, the referee of three table tennis game. Double as a table tennis net with eight light-emitting diodes on behalf of a ping-pong table, in the middle of two light-emitting diodes, on both sides of the representatives participating both lit diode according to a certain direction to move to represent the movement of the ball. Setting two switches, each on both sides of the ride is a tee switch (af, bf), another is batting switch (aj, bj). B two table tennis competition rules to operate the switch. On behalf of table tennis in mobile. The game has been carried out to the party a bit for 11 minutes it ends scoreboard is cleared, you can start a new innings.
-Using VHDL language design table tennis game consoles, a competition by both parties, the referee of three table tennis game. Double as a table tennis net with eight light-emitting diodes on behalf of a ping-pong table, in the middle of two light-emitting diodes, on both sides of the representatives participating both lit diode according to a certain direction to move to represent the movement of the ball. Setting two switches, each on both sides of the ride is a tee switch (af, bf), another is batting switch (aj, bj). B two table tennis competition rules to operate the switch. On behalf of table tennis in mobile. The game has been carried out to the party a bit for 11 minutes it ends scoreboard is cleared, you can start a new innings.
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