GsmModem 源码 短信模块通过串口与PC机相连,该程序操作短信模块,发送手机短信,不支持接收手机短信,短信内容是从Microssoft SQL server中读取的,数据表和存储过程都提供了。开发平台是.net,语言是CSHARP。操作短信模块指令是AT指令。
-SMS module GsmModem source connected through the serial port and a PC, the program to operate the SMS module to send cell phone text messages, does not support receive mobile phone text messages, the content of the message is read from Microssoft SQL server data tables and stored procedures are provided. Development platform. Net, and the language is CSHARP. Operating SMS module command AT commands.
-SMS module GsmModem source connected through the serial port and a PC, the program to operate the SMS module to send cell phone text messages, does not support receive mobile phone text messages, the content of the message is read from Microssoft SQL server data tables and stored procedures are provided. Development platform. Net, and the language is CSHARP. Operating SMS module command AT commands.
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