】从实践和理论角度汇总了W indow s 下异步串行通信编程的基本规律和常见方法, 指出了各种编程方法
的优势和不足, 重点阐述了如何扬长避短、综合应用各种方法编程实现可靠而高效的串行数据通信, 突出说明
了怎样使用“特定通信协议和定时机制、多线程优化和W inA P I”的最优串行编程的数据接收过程实现。
-T he p ap er co llects the ru les and m ethods abou t the serial comm un ication p rogram in W indow s2system from the
p ractice and theo ry1 It po in t ou t the advan tage and sho rtage of all k inds of m ethods1 It detailed how to p rogram the reliab le and
effective p rocess of serial data receiving and how to app ly “sp ecial comm un ication p ro toco l and tim ing m echan ism ”and
“m u ltith reading op tim izing and w inA P I function”1
的优势和不足, 重点阐述了如何扬长避短、综合应用各种方法编程实现可靠而高效的串行数据通信, 突出说明
了怎样使用“特定通信协议和定时机制、多线程优化和W inA P I”的最优串行编程的数据接收过程实现。
-T he p ap er co llects the ru les and m ethods abou t the serial comm un ication p rogram in W indow s2system from the
p ractice and theo ry1 It po in t ou t the advan tage and sho rtage of all k inds of m ethods1 It detailed how to p rogram the reliab le and
effective p rocess of serial data receiving and how to app ly “sp ecial comm un ication p ro toco l and tim ing m echan ism ”and
“m u ltith reading op tim izing and w inA P I function”1
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