读取netCDF格点资料的Fortran测试程序,通过读取指定netCDF文件,生成相应的Fortran源代码- Test program to read any netCDF file. by Barry Schwartz October 1993 modified Apr 1996
This program will ask the user for the name of a netcdf file to read. It will open that file and using the proper netCDF calls, get info on the variables and their dimensions. It then
!C generates a FORTRAN program that can be used to actually read the
!C netCDF file and fills the variables with data. This program
!C can be used to read ANY netCDF file. The user only has to
!C write fortran statements to print the data or pass to another
!C program. Once you have generated a program, you may use it
!C to read any file of that data type i.e., the program is general until the powers to be change variable attributes.
This program will ask the user for the name of a netcdf file to read. It will open that file and using the proper netCDF calls, get info on the variables and their dimensions. It then
!C generates a FORTRAN program that can be used to actually read the
!C netCDF file and fills the variables with data. This program
!C can be used to read ANY netCDF file. The user only has to
!C write fortran statements to print the data or pass to another
!C program. Once you have generated a program, you may use it
!C to read any file of that data type i.e., the program is general until the powers to be change variable attributes.