
  • 所属分类:
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  • 上传时间:
  • 2012-11-26
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  • 13kb
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  • 提 供 者:
  • 李**
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Java写的记事本程序,MyNotebook 示例源码,通过制作这个Java记事本程序,新手可学习到如何使用Java创建界面、安装各种监听器、创建窗口的主菜单、创建JMenuItem并添加到对应的JMenu中、保存用户编辑的文件、根据文件读写状态适时返回消息、用"另存为"对话框保存文件、如何新建或打开一个已经存在的文件等,虽然这些操作都挺简单的,但却是Java文件编程的基础,涉及一些经常用到的基础知识。-Notepad program written in Java, MyNotebook sample source code, through the production of the Java Notepad program, the novice can learn how to use Java to create the interface, the installation of a variety of listeners, create the main menu of the window, create a JMenuItem and added to the corresponding JMenu in save the user to edit the file, depending on the state of the file read and write timely return to the message with " Save As" dialog box to save the file, how to create or open a file that already exists, etc., although these operations came to a simple, but Java file programming, involving some of the frequently used basic knowledge.




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