TinyMCE是一个轻量级的基于浏览器的所见即所得编辑器,由java scr ipt写成。它对IE6+和Firefox1.5+都有着非常良好的支持。功能方面虽然不能称得上是最强,但绝对能够满足大部分网站的需求,并且功能配置灵活简单。另一特点是加载速度非常快,如果你的服务器采用的脚本语言是PHP,那还可以进一步优化。最重要的是,TinyMCE是一个根据LGPL license发布的自由软件,你可以把它用于商业应用。
-TinyMCE是一个轻量级的基于浏览器的所见即所得编辑器,由java scr ipt写成。 It IE6+ and Firefox1.5+ have very good support. Function can not be regarded as the strongest, but certainly able to meet the needs of most sites, and features flexible configuration. Another feature is the loading speed is very fast, if your server uses a scr ipting language PHP, it can also further optimize. The most important thing is that the TinyMCE is a free software released under the LGPL license, you can put it for commercial applications.
-TinyMCE是一个轻量级的基于浏览器的所见即所得编辑器,由java scr ipt写成。 It IE6+ and Firefox1.5+ have very good support. Function can not be regarded as the strongest, but certainly able to meet the needs of most sites, and features flexible configuration. Another feature is the loading speed is very fast, if your server uses a scr ipting language PHP, it can also further optimize. The most important thing is that the TinyMCE is a free software released under the LGPL license, you can put it for commercial applications.