描述: 设计单链表类,并基于单链表类实现栈类和队列类:
(1)设计学生信息类StudentRecord,要求包含公有数据成员:string stuName和int stuNo,设计用于输出学生信息的公有成员函数:void print,输出格式为:Name: stuName, Number: stuNo。
(2)设计学生链表的结点类StudentNode,要求包含公有数据成员:StudentRecord data和StudentNode *next。
(4)由LinkedList派生LinkedStack类,基于单链表类的功能实现压栈和出栈的成员函数:void Push(StudentRecord record)和bool Pop(StudentRecord &record)。
(5)由LinkedList派生LinkedQueue类,基于单链表类的功能实现入队和出队的成员函数:void EnQueue(StudentRecord record)和bool DeQueue(StudentRecord &record)。
-Descr iption: The design of a single linked list and stack class and queue class based on single objectlist achieve: (1) design student information class StudentRecord request includes public data members: the string stuName int stuNo, is designed to output the student information public member function : void print, output format: Name: stuName, Number: stuNo. (2) design students linked list the node class StudentNode, required to include public data members: StudentRecord data, and StudentNode* next. (3) the design students objectlist LinkedList, defined head into the head delete insert tail traversal public member function. (4) by the LinkedList derived LinkedStack class to push single linked list class-based features and the member functions of the stack: void Push (StudentRecord record) and bool Pop (StudentRecord & record). (5) by the LinkedList derived LinkedQueue class enqueue and dequeue function based on single linked list class member function: the void EnQueue (StudentRe
(1)设计学生信息类StudentRecord,要求包含公有数据成员:string stuName和int stuNo,设计用于输出学生信息的公有成员函数:void print,输出格式为:Name: stuName, Number: stuNo。
(2)设计学生链表的结点类StudentNode,要求包含公有数据成员:StudentRecord data和StudentNode *next。
(4)由LinkedList派生LinkedStack类,基于单链表类的功能实现压栈和出栈的成员函数:void Push(StudentRecord record)和bool Pop(StudentRecord &record)。
(5)由LinkedList派生LinkedQueue类,基于单链表类的功能实现入队和出队的成员函数:void EnQueue(StudentRecord record)和bool DeQueue(StudentRecord &record)。
-Descr iption: The design of a single linked list and stack class and queue class based on single objectlist achieve: (1) design student information class StudentRecord request includes public data members: the string stuName int stuNo, is designed to output the student information public member function : void print, output format: Name: stuName, Number: stuNo. (2) design students linked list the node class StudentNode, required to include public data members: StudentRecord data, and StudentNode* next. (3) the design students objectlist LinkedList, defined head into the head delete insert tail traversal public member function. (4) by the LinkedList derived LinkedStack class to push single linked list class-based features and the member functions of the stack: void Push (StudentRecord record) and bool Pop (StudentRecord & record). (5) by the LinkedList derived LinkedQueue class enqueue and dequeue function based on single linked list class member function: the void EnQueue (StudentRe