Yuncart 功能清单
1,商品 (支持商品类目,类别,标签,品牌,规格,到货通知,导入淘宝商品,支持淘宝助理5和淘宝助理4.7两个版本等)
2,促销 (支持满就送,商品赠品,搭配套餐,限时打折,优惠券,团购6种促销方式)
3,会员 (管理会员,会员咨询,会员评价,以及会员邮件通知,短信通知,站内信通知等)
4,订单 (管理订单,配置商家发货信息,打印购物单,处理售后申请,支付宝担保交易,财付通中介交易,财付通即时到账等)
5,内容 (管理导航,网站内容发布,包括网站帮助和网站动态,友情链接等)
6,统计 (统计商品购买量,访问量)
7,设置 (管理网站基本信息,站点地图,营业状态,客服,广告,邮件SMTP配置,短信配置,管理员信息,管理员权限)
8,工具 (备份数据,导入备份数据,第三方登录,回收站,通一淘,CNZZ统计,管理员日志)-Yuncart function list
1, commodity (support commodity categories, categories, tags, brand, specifications, arrival notice, import taobao products, support taobao assistant 5 and taobao assistant 4.7 two versions, etc.)
2, promotion (support full sent, commodities trading, tie-in package, time limit discounts, coupons, group purchase 6 kinds of promotion way)
3, a member (or member, member of the management consulting, members and evaluation, and member email notification, SMS notice, in station message, etc.)
4, order (management order, configuration merchants shipping information, print shopping list, processing after application, pay treasure to guarantee transaction, the wealth FuTong intermediary trade, money FuTong instant to account, etc.)
5, content (management navigation, the website content delivery, including web sites help and website dynamic, links, etc.)
6, statistics (statistical goods purchases, traffic)
7, setting (basic information management web site, si
1,商品 (支持商品类目,类别,标签,品牌,规格,到货通知,导入淘宝商品,支持淘宝助理5和淘宝助理4.7两个版本等)
2,促销 (支持满就送,商品赠品,搭配套餐,限时打折,优惠券,团购6种促销方式)
3,会员 (管理会员,会员咨询,会员评价,以及会员邮件通知,短信通知,站内信通知等)
4,订单 (管理订单,配置商家发货信息,打印购物单,处理售后申请,支付宝担保交易,财付通中介交易,财付通即时到账等)
5,内容 (管理导航,网站内容发布,包括网站帮助和网站动态,友情链接等)
6,统计 (统计商品购买量,访问量)
7,设置 (管理网站基本信息,站点地图,营业状态,客服,广告,邮件SMTP配置,短信配置,管理员信息,管理员权限)
8,工具 (备份数据,导入备份数据,第三方登录,回收站,通一淘,CNZZ统计,管理员日志)-Yuncart function list
1, commodity (support commodity categories, categories, tags, brand, specifications, arrival notice, import taobao products, support taobao assistant 5 and taobao assistant 4.7 two versions, etc.)
2, promotion (support full sent, commodities trading, tie-in package, time limit discounts, coupons, group purchase 6 kinds of promotion way)
3, a member (or member, member of the management consulting, members and evaluation, and member email notification, SMS notice, in station message, etc.)
4, order (management order, configuration merchants shipping information, print shopping list, processing after application, pay treasure to guarantee transaction, the wealth FuTong intermediary trade, money FuTong instant to account, etc.)
5, content (management navigation, the website content delivery, including web sites help and website dynamic, links, etc.)
6, statistics (statistical goods purchases, traffic)
7, setting (basic information management web site, si