-Mr. into a 500* 500 RGB color image: a field word lattice, the upper left and lower right is green, the upper right is red the sit is blue. And be handled as follows: (a) the image into the HSI space, fuzzy H 25* 25 average template component image, and then converted back to RGB space (b) Repeat (a), only this time to deal with the S component . Finally, a simple analysis of the results. (Contains experimental report)
-Mr. into a 500* 500 RGB color image: a field word lattice, the upper left and lower right is green, the upper right is red the sit is blue. And be handled as follows: (a) the image into the HSI space, fuzzy H 25* 25 average template component image, and then converted back to RGB space (b) Repeat (a), only this time to deal with the S component . Finally, a simple analysis of the results. (Contains experimental report)