自己收集的关于对象检测方面的一些经典的外国期刊,做模式识别的必须看- collection of object detection of some classical foreign periodicals, do pattern recognition must see
外国期刊\A new explanation for the effectiveness of voting methods.pdf
........\A statistical method for 3D object applied to face and cars.pdf
........\Experiments with a new boosting algorithm.pdf
........\High-Performance Rotation Invariant Multiview Face Detection .pdf
........\improved boosting algorithms using confidence-rated predictions.pdf
........\Learning-based approach to real time tracking and analysis of face.pdf
........\Rapid object detection using a boosted cascade of simple feature.pdf
........\Robust real-time object detection.pdf
........\Statistical learning of multi-view face detection.ps
........\Support vector regression and classification based multi-view face detecton and recognition.pdf