802.11n physical layer simulink model-802.11n WLAN PHY
Simulation models of 802.11n (modified from 11a PHY model):
For all simulation models:
Most simulation setting can be configured with the Simulation Settings module
in the lower-left portion of the SIMULINK block diagram. The SNR values to test are
located in the module directly below, PER Test Settings . Currently, the simulation
models are configured for testing a 2x2 antenna configuration, with TGn Channel model D.
For testing with an AWGN channel, the file ch_model.m needs to be modified. For
testing other channel configurations, the file ch_model_tgn.m should be modified (replace
the .mat file tgn_chD_nlos(noflour)_2x2 for load command with other file). Note this file
was generated using the "WLAN MIMO Channel Matlab program" by Laurent Schumacher (see
references [3], [4] below).
Note that most of the other parameters may either be found in the IEEE80211n_settings.m
Simulation models of 802.11n (modified from 11a PHY model):
For all simulation models:
Most simulation setting can be configured with the Simulation Settings module
in the lower-left portion of the SIMULINK block diagram. The SNR values to test are
located in the module directly below, PER Test Settings . Currently, the simulation
models are configured for testing a 2x2 antenna configuration, with TGn Channel model D.
For testing with an AWGN channel, the file ch_model.m needs to be modified. For
testing other channel configurations, the file ch_model_tgn.m should be modified (replace
the .mat file tgn_chD_nlos(noflour)_2x2 for load command with other file). Note this file
was generated using the "WLAN MIMO Channel Matlab program" by Laurent Schumacher (see
references [3], [4] below).
Note that most of the other parameters may either be found in the IEEE80211n_settings.m
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