words_de.dat:词库(后处理用)-OCR algorithm code. This is not a complete system, we can not generate executable. Based on the Linux code / KDE development, use the C standard template library. The code is intended to show readers an OCR system, including which parts work, readers can learn from these code changes after their use in the system. As this is from a complete OCR system taking part code, so code can not be compiled separately. 2 *. dat following documents : char_data.dat : Character Feature Data words_de.dat : Thesaurus (reprocessing spent)
words_de.dat:词库(后处理用)-OCR algorithm code. This is not a complete system, we can not generate executable. Based on the Linux code / KDE development, use the C standard template library. The code is intended to show readers an OCR system, including which parts work, readers can learn from these code changes after their use in the system. As this is from a complete OCR system taking part code, so code can not be compiled separately. 2 *. dat following documents : char_data.dat : Character Feature Data words_de.dat : Thesaurus (reprocessing spent)
压缩包 : 101259379光学字符识别技术.rar 列表 光学字符识别技术\abstract_character.cpp 光学字符识别技术\abstract_character.h 光学字符识别技术\char_data.dat 光学字符识别技术\character.cpp 光学字符识别技术\character.h 光学字符识别技术\character_database.cpp 光学字符识别技术\character_database.h 光学字符识别技术\common.cpp 光学字符识别技术\common.h 光学字符识别技术\common_gfx.cpp 光学字符识别技术\common_gfx.h 光学字符识别技术\common_math.h 光学字符识别技术\dictionary.cpp 光学字符识别技术\dictionary.h 光学字符识别技术\global.cpp 光学字符识别技术\global.h 光学字符识别技术\image.cpp 光学字符识别技术\image.h 光学字符识别技术\kognition.cpp 光学字符识别技术\kognition.h 光学字符识别技术\kognitiondoc.cpp 光学字符识别技术\kognitiondoc.h 光学字符识别技术\kognitionui.rc 光学字符识别技术\main.cpp 光学字符识别技术\page.cpp 光学字符识别技术\page.h 光学字符识别技术\segimage.cpp 光学字符识别技术\segimage.h 光学字符识别技术\word_collector.cpp 光学字符识别技术\word_collector.h 光学字符识别技术\words_de.dat 光学字符识别技术\examples\B_smile.png 光学字符识别技术\examples\Text.png 光学字符识别技术\examples\Thumbs.db 光学字符识别技术\examples\V.png 光学字符识别技术\examples 光学字符识别技术