利用当前大气层对应的空气密度来计算海拔高度的函数-H = DENSITYALT(rho) returns altitude, H, in the standard atmosphere that corresponds to the provided array of air densities, rho.
DENSITYALT is valid for the entire standard atmosphere up through the mesopause (86 km height). It assumes that all that is known is air density. If other combinations of pressure, temperature, and/or density are known, there exist more straightforward methods for calculating density altitude, e.g. in the troposphere DA = (288.15-T)/0.0065.
DENSITYALT is valid for the entire standard atmosphere up through the mesopause (86 km height). It assumes that all that is known is air density. If other combinations of pressure, temperature, and/or density are known, there exist more straightforward methods for calculating density altitude, e.g. in the troposphere DA = (288.15-T)/0.0065.