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在这个音乐网站系统中,游客要先注册成为系统的合法用户,注册后便存储用户的资料在系统后台数据库中,然后用户就可以通过注册的用户名登陆到网站主页,在主页,用户可以修改自己的个人资料,可以搜索自己喜欢的歌曲、可以在线试听喜欢的歌曲、对每首歌曲都可以发表自己的评论并打出相应的分数、通过网站发电子邮件给其他人,用户的这些操作都通过网络跟系统交互;而网站的信息也要随时间不断的更新,这样才能够满足用户的需求,所以必须要有相应的系统管理员管理整个系统,管理员事先分配了一个用户名和响应的密码,同过此用户名和密码,管理员要先登陆到系统的后台,在后台管理员可以管理注册用户的资料,如:搜索和更改注册用户的个人资料、删除用户;除了注册用户管理外,管理员最重要的就是管理网站上的歌曲,如:查询网站上的任何歌曲、修改那些名字错误的歌曲名、通过上传添加歌曲到网站上、删除那些过时的歌曲。-In this music website system, visitors must first registered as legitimate users of the system, after registration and storing user data in the system background database, then the user can through the registered user name login on the website home page on the site, the user can modify your personal data, you can search for their favorite songs, can online audition like songs, for each song can give your comments and hit the corresponding scores, through the website email to others, users of these operations are through the network and system interaction And the website information will over time and constantly updated, so that it can meet the needs of users, so must have the corresponding system administrator management, the system administrator prior distribution a user name and password, the response with the user name and password, the administrator must first landing to the system background, in the background, the administrator can manage registered user information, such as: se






















































































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