DLL在程序编制中可作出巨大贡献,它提供了具共性代码的复用能力。但是,正如一门高深的武学,若被掌握在正义之侠的手上,便可助其仗义江湖;但若被掌握在邪恶之徒的手上,则必然在江湖上掀起腥风血雨。-A dynamic link library programming of the VC++ the DLL Trojans (simple articles) DLL programming make a significant contribution, it provides the ability to reuse a common code. However, as a profound martial art, if they are lies in the hands of the justice of the Xia, you can help them generous attempts rivers and lakes However, if mastered, is bound to set off a reign of terror on the rivers and lakes in the hands of evil.
DLL在程序编制中可作出巨大贡献,它提供了具共性代码的复用能力。但是,正如一门高深的武学,若被掌握在正义之侠的手上,便可助其仗义江湖;但若被掌握在邪恶之徒的手上,则必然在江湖上掀起腥风血雨。-A dynamic link library programming of the VC++ the DLL Trojans (simple articles) DLL programming make a significant contribution, it provides the ability to reuse a common code. However, as a profound martial art, if they are lies in the hands of the justice of the Xia, you can help them generous attempts rivers and lakes However, if mastered, is bound to set off a reign of terror on the rivers and lakes in the hands of evil.