/*题意:判断两幅图是否同构 图中即判断图中环和链的个数是否相同 环和链是否一一相对应
利用并查集 一个集合中若人数num[]和拉手对手p[]相等 则为环,num[]==p[]+1则为链*/-/* The meaning of problems: to determine whether the two images with a composition that judge whether each of the corresponding figure rings and chains are the same number of rings and chain
A collection if the number of utilization and check set num [] and handle opponents p [] equal compared to ring, num [] == p []+1 compared to chain* /
利用并查集 一个集合中若人数num[]和拉手对手p[]相等 则为环,num[]==p[]+1则为链*/-/* The meaning of problems: to determine whether the two images with a composition that judge whether each of the corresponding figure rings and chains are the same number of rings and chain
A collection if the number of utilization and check set num [] and handle opponents p [] equal compared to ring, num [] == p []+1 compared to chain* /
hdu3926Hand in Hand.txt