一本书的页码从自然数1 开始顺序编码直到自然数n。书的页码按照通常的习惯编排,
每个页码都不含多余的前导数字0。例如,第6 页用数字6 表示,而不是06 或006 等。数
« 编程任务:
给定表示书的总页码的10 进制整数n (1≤n≤109) 。编程计算书的全部页码中分别用
« 数据输入:
每个文件只有1 行,给出表示书的总页码的整数n。
« 结果输出:
输出页码中用到数字k-1 的次数,k=1,2,…,10。
输-A book page numbers from the natural numbers sequentially coding until the natural number n. The page of the book in accordance with the usual custom choreography
Each page do not contain the excess leading digits 0. For example, the first six with a digital 6 shows, rather than 06 or 006. Number
Word count requirements calculated the total page number n of a given book, how many times were used in a book full folio numbers 0, 1,
2, ..., 9.
« Programming task: given indicates the total pages in the book decimal integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 109). Full Page programming calculations were used
To how many times the numbers 0, 1, 2, ..., 9.
« Data input:
The input data from a text file called input.txt file.
Each file is only one line given the said book page number integer n.
« Results output:
The end of the program runs, the calculation results output to the file output.txt. Output file to a total of 10 lines in the k-th row
The output page numbers used in the number of ti
每个页码都不含多余的前导数字0。例如,第6 页用数字6 表示,而不是06 或006 等。数
« 编程任务:
给定表示书的总页码的10 进制整数n (1≤n≤109) 。编程计算书的全部页码中分别用
« 数据输入:
每个文件只有1 行,给出表示书的总页码的整数n。
« 结果输出:
输出页码中用到数字k-1 的次数,k=1,2,…,10。
输-A book page numbers from the natural numbers sequentially coding until the natural number n. The page of the book in accordance with the usual custom choreography
Each page do not contain the excess leading digits 0. For example, the first six with a digital 6 shows, rather than 06 or 006. Number
Word count requirements calculated the total page number n of a given book, how many times were used in a book full folio numbers 0, 1,
2, ..., 9.
« Programming task: given indicates the total pages in the book decimal integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 109). Full Page programming calculations were used
To how many times the numbers 0, 1, 2, ..., 9.
« Data input:
The input data from a text file called input.txt file.
Each file is only one line given the said book page number integer n.
« Results output:
The end of the program runs, the calculation results output to the file output.txt. Output file to a total of 10 lines in the k-th row
The output page numbers used in the number of ti