适用于dm6446开发板中有关TVP5158解码器多通道采样视频处理程序.里面包含各种模式和制式的采样-Package Name The name of the application or files
Version Version of the application or files
License Name of the license or licenses that apply to the Package.
Location The directory name and path on the media (or in an archive) where the Package is located.
Delivered As This field will either be “Source”, “Binary” or “Source and Binary” and is the form the content of the Package is delivered in.
If the Package is delivered in an archive format, this field applies to the contents of the archive. If the word Limited is used
with Source, as in “Limited Source” or “Limited Source and Binary” then only portions of the Source for the application are
Modified This field will either be “Yes” or “No”. A “Yes” means TI had made changes to the Package. A “No” means TI has not made
any changes.
Obtained from
This field specifies where TI obtained the Package from. It may be a URL to an Open Source site, a 3
party company
name or TI. If this
Version Version of the application or files
License Name of the license or licenses that apply to the Package.
Location The directory name and path on the media (or in an archive) where the Package is located.
Delivered As This field will either be “Source”, “Binary” or “Source and Binary” and is the form the content of the Package is delivered in.
If the Package is delivered in an archive format, this field applies to the contents of the archive. If the word Limited is used
with Source, as in “Limited Source” or “Limited Source and Binary” then only portions of the Source for the application are
Modified This field will either be “Yes” or “No”. A “Yes” means TI had made changes to the Package. A “No” means TI has not made
any changes.
Obtained from
This field specifies where TI obtained the Package from. It may be a URL to an Open Source site, a 3
party company
name or TI. If this