1.File-set path-add folder 添加解压缩的工具箱路径
2.Current Directory:设置为要标定图片的文件夹路径
3.command window 键入 calib 调出标定工具箱 开始标定
read images-extract grid corners-calibration (此为内参数)
Comp.Extrinsic 标定外参数
1.wintx winty是定义窗口大小。在鼠标点处为中心的窗口内搜索角点,一般设为默认值,直接回车。
2.在标完第一张图片角点后,Size dX of each square along the X direction ([]=100mm) 是指你实际标定板的方格长度。
3.一般左、右照片张数在20张左右为佳。-matlab calibration toolbox for image calibration. Set 1.File-set path-add folder to add the toolbox path decompress 2.Current Directory: set to the the the calibration picture file folder path 3.command window type read images-extract grid corners Calibration Toolbox begin calibration calib tune out-calibration (This is the parameter) Comp.Extrinsic calibration outside the parameters the Notes: 1.wintx winty is to define the size of the window. Search corner the mouse to point at the center of the window is usually set to the default value, just press Enter. 2 marked the first pictures corner, Size dX of each square along the X direction ([] = 100mm) refers to the length of your actual calibration panel box. 3. General left, the right number of photos in about 20 better.
1.File-set path-add folder 添加解压缩的工具箱路径
2.Current Directory:设置为要标定图片的文件夹路径
3.command window 键入 calib 调出标定工具箱 开始标定
read images-extract grid corners-calibration (此为内参数)
Comp.Extrinsic 标定外参数
1.wintx winty是定义窗口大小。在鼠标点处为中心的窗口内搜索角点,一般设为默认值,直接回车。
2.在标完第一张图片角点后,Size dX of each square along the X direction ([]=100mm) 是指你实际标定板的方格长度。
3.一般左、右照片张数在20张左右为佳。-matlab calibration toolbox for image calibration. Set 1.File-set path-add folder to add the toolbox path decompress 2.Current Directory: set to the the the calibration picture file folder path 3.command window type read images-extract grid corners Calibration Toolbox begin calibration calib tune out-calibration (This is the parameter) Comp.Extrinsic calibration outside the parameters the Notes: 1.wintx winty is to define the size of the window. Search corner the mouse to point at the center of the window is usually set to the default value, just press Enter. 2 marked the first pictures corner, Size dX of each square along the X direction ([] = 100mm) refers to the length of your actual calibration panel box. 3. General left, the right number of photos in about 20 better.