<p>交通灯状态机的实现,用verilog HDL编程与开发,Xillinx ISE 6仿真,在实际电路中的到验证. 已通过测试。</p>
-<p> The implementation of the traffic light state machine, using verilog HDL programming and development, Xillinx ISE 6 simulation, to verify the actual circuit. Has been tested. </p>
-<p> The implementation of the traffic light state machine, using verilog HDL programming and development, Xillinx ISE 6 simulation, to verify the actual circuit. Has been tested. </p>
ttraafficLighr\trafficLight\Spartan-II Data Sheets.pdf
..............\............\Xilinx ISE7[1].1入门导读.pdf
..............\............\Xilinx ISE7[1].1入门导读.pdf