one destination.he channel capacity between the source and the relay is usually different from that between the relay and destination because of the independent fading on the two links. The network capacity for each channel realisation is constrained by the smaller capacity value. In this scenario, all information can be successfully decoded at the destination if the instantaneous channel capacity between the relay and the destination is large enough. Otherwise some data will have to be dropped at the relay. We employ a buffering concept at the relay to improve capacity and overcome this information loss problem in a relay network. -he channel capacity between the source and the relay is usually different from that between the relay and destination because of the independent fading on the two links. The network capacity for each channel realisation is constrained by the smaller capacity value. In this scenario, all information can be successfully decoded at the destination if the instantaneous channel capacity between the relay and the destination is large enough. Otherwise some data will have to be dropped at the relay. We employ a buffering concept at the relay to improve capacity and overcome this information loss problem in a relay network.
without buffer\bisection_algorithm.m
without buffer
without buffer