给出一个如何使用 Dire ct Sound 技术实现音频流的捕获并实现网络上多路声音混合的方案。该方案通过 Dir ec t-Sound 提供的缓冲机制实现了音频流的捕获, 结合网络技术和辅助缓冲技术可实现网络上多路声音的混合, 提高了音频处理
的效率和通用性。阐述了 DirectSound 的相关技术, 给出了系统的框架图及音频捕获与混音的实现方法, 提出了环形缓冲区
设计方案, 最后给出了系统优化方案。-An implementati on of audio streaming capture and mi xing multiple audi o st reaming on net work based on Direct Sound t ech-nology . Audio streaming capture adopts Direct Sound s buffer mechanisms, whil e multi-sound mixi ng combines technologies rel ated
network wit h DirectSound s secondary buffer mechanisms. The scheme enhance the effi ciency and generalit y of audio process. Some
related technologies of DirectSound and t he architecture of system are introduced, how to implement voice capture and mi xing and the
using of ring-buffer are descri bed. Last, an optimization poli cy is proposed.
的效率和通用性。阐述了 DirectSound 的相关技术, 给出了系统的框架图及音频捕获与混音的实现方法, 提出了环形缓冲区
设计方案, 最后给出了系统优化方案。-An implementati on of audio streaming capture and mi xing multiple audi o st reaming on net work based on Direct Sound t ech-nology . Audio streaming capture adopts Direct Sound s buffer mechanisms, whil e multi-sound mixi ng combines technologies rel ated
network wit h DirectSound s secondary buffer mechanisms. The scheme enhance the effi ciency and generalit y of audio process. Some
related technologies of DirectSound and t he architecture of system are introduced, how to implement voice capture and mi xing and the
using of ring-buffer are descri bed. Last, an optimization poli cy is proposed.
audio mixing directSound .pdf