程序员表白专用的html5动画特效网页,真的挺羡慕创作者的水平,有这水平可以把爱表白给想表白的人,不要以为那些鲜花是用的图片,你会发现在资源文件中没有一个图片资源,但HTML5强大的功能不能不让你惊叹,左侧的文字是类似打字效果的动画形式,因IE9以前的浏览器不支持HTML5,所以你在查看本效果的时候,最后使用火狐浏览器或Chrome浏览器或Google浏览器。-Programmer to declare html5 animation effects website, is really quite envious of the level of the creators, this level of love confession to want to declare the person, do not think those flowers with pictures, you will find in the resource file picture resources, but the HTML5 powerful functions can not let you wonder, the left side of the text is a form of animation similar to the typing results, due to the the IE9 previous browser does not support HTML5, so you see this effect when the last use Firefox or Chrome browser Google Chrome.