正是有了 Doug Cutting 这样的大师级开源者,正是有了无数个为 Hadoo p
贡献力量的开源者们的共同努力,才有了 Hadoop 自诞生时的倍受关注到现在
的倍受瞩目。 Hadoop 从单一应用发展到目前的 Hadoop Ecosystem ,自成一
格的技术体系,叩开了信息爆炸时代的海量数据处理的大门,开辟了海量数据 存
储与计算及其应用的新领地,《 Hadoop 开发者》正是在这样的背景下应运而 生 。-It is precisely because of Doug Cutting master of open source, precisely because of the numerous Hadoo p-
Contribute to open source their joint efforts, only a Hadoop since the birth of much concern to the present
The focus of attention. Hadoop from a single application to the current Hadoop Ecosystem incorporates its own
Grid system, opening the door to massive data processing of the information explosion era, opened up vast amounts of data kept
Chu and the calculation and application of new territory, "Hadoop developers" It is in this context came into being.
贡献力量的开源者们的共同努力,才有了 Hadoop 自诞生时的倍受关注到现在
的倍受瞩目。 Hadoop 从单一应用发展到目前的 Hadoop Ecosystem ,自成一
格的技术体系,叩开了信息爆炸时代的海量数据处理的大门,开辟了海量数据 存
储与计算及其应用的新领地,《 Hadoop 开发者》正是在这样的背景下应运而 生 。-It is precisely because of Doug Cutting master of open source, precisely because of the numerous Hadoo p-
Contribute to open source their joint efforts, only a Hadoop since the birth of much concern to the present
The focus of attention. Hadoop from a single application to the current Hadoop Ecosystem incorporates its own
Grid system, opening the door to massive data processing of the information explosion era, opened up vast amounts of data kept
Chu and the calculation and application of new territory, "Hadoop developers" It is in this context came into being.