超市销售管理系统包含商品信息管理、用户信息管理、订单管理及营业情况统计。具体为:(1)用户登录。系统根据用户名和密码确定用户是否是授权用户,若为授权用户则读取该用户的操作权限。(2)商品信息管理。包括商品信息列表、商品信息查询、商品信息添加、商品信息修改、商品信息删除以及商品类别的管理,即类别的添加、删除、修改。(3)用户信息管理。包括读者用户信息列表、用户信息修改、用户记录删除、用户查询以及用户密码的修改。(4)营业情况统计。包括订单详细资料以及订货商品明细。 -Supermarket sales management system that contains product information management and users of information management and business management and order situation. specific statistics for : ) ( a users login. the system according to the user name and password for user if he is authorized users, as licensee, read the operation of the user permissions. ( 2 ) goods information management. information includes a list of goods, the goods, information query, the goods, information, goods and products information modify and delete the product categories of information management, the category of add, remove or modify. ( three ) user information management, including the reader information about users, user a list of revision, deletion, the subscriber record a user and the user password change. ( four ) the business is the order, including details of merchandise and order sheet.