JITTERBUG 是一个用来仿真线性控制系统的Matlab工具箱。通过JITTERBUG,我们能得到延时、数据丢失对系统的性能影响。同时,这个工具箱还能计算控制系统中信号的谱密度。-JITTERBUG [Lincoln and Cervin, 2002] is a MATLAB-based toolbox that allows
the computation of a quadratic performance criterion for a linear control
system under various timing conditions. Using the toolbox, one can easily
and quickly assert how sensitive a control system is to delay, jitter, lost
samples, etc., without resorting to simulation. The tool is quite general and
can also be used to investigate jitter-compensating controllers, aperiodic
controllers, and multi-rate controllers. As an additional feature, it is also
possible to compute the spectral density of the signals in the control system.
The main contribution of the toolbox, which is built on well-known theory
(LQG theory and jump linear systems), is to make it easy to apply this
type of stochastic analysis to a wide range of problems.
the computation of a quadratic performance criterion for a linear control
system under various timing conditions. Using the toolbox, one can easily
and quickly assert how sensitive a control system is to delay, jitter, lost
samples, etc., without resorting to simulation. The tool is quite general and
can also be used to investigate jitter-compensating controllers, aperiodic
controllers, and multi-rate controllers. As an additional feature, it is also
possible to compute the spectral density of the signals in the control system.
The main contribution of the toolbox, which is built on well-known theory
(LQG theory and jump linear systems), is to make it easy to apply this
type of stochastic analysis to a wide range of problems.