Weakest link” is size of key
Attacks take advantage of encryption speed
1993: Weiner: $1M machine, 3.5 hours
1998: EFF’s Deep Crack: $250,000
92 billion keys per second 4 days on average
1999: distributed.net: 23 hours
OK for some things (e.g., short time horizon)
DES sliDES into wiDESpread DESuetude
-Weakest link” is size of key
Attacks take advantage of encryption speed
1993: Weiner: $1M machine, 3.5 hours
1998: EFF’s Deep Crack: $250,000
92 billion keys per second 4 days on average
1999: distributed.net: 23 hours
OK for some things (e.g., short time horizon)
DES sliDES into wiDESpread DESuetude
Attacks take advantage of encryption speed
1993: Weiner: $1M machine, 3.5 hours
1998: EFF’s Deep Crack: $250,000
92 billion keys per second 4 days on average
1999: distributed.net: 23 hours
OK for some things (e.g., short time horizon)
DES sliDES into wiDESpread DESuetude
-Weakest link” is size of key
Attacks take advantage of encryption speed
1993: Weiner: $1M machine, 3.5 hours
1998: EFF’s Deep Crack: $250,000
92 billion keys per second 4 days on average
1999: distributed.net: 23 hours
OK for some things (e.g., short time horizon)
DES sliDES into wiDESpread DESuetude