1. 即时通信。不同IP地址的机器间可以通过这个程序能即时传送文字或者图片等信息。
2. 资源共享。不同IP地址的机器间可以通过这个程序能共享或者相互传送大容量的文件等信息。
3. 消息发布。可以通过这个程序向所有和本机器联网的其他机器发布文字或者图片信息。
4. 多人聊天。所有联网的机器可以通过这个程序实现多人聊天的功能。
-1 instant messaging. Between different IP address of the machine this program can immediately send a text or pictures and other information.
(2) the sharing of resources. Between machines of different IP addresses can be shared through this program or another carry large volumes of documents and other information.
3 news release. All through this process and the machine to other machines networked publishing text or picture messages.
4 people chatting. All machines can be networked to achieve through this program more than chat function.
2. 资源共享。不同IP地址的机器间可以通过这个程序能共享或者相互传送大容量的文件等信息。
3. 消息发布。可以通过这个程序向所有和本机器联网的其他机器发布文字或者图片信息。
4. 多人聊天。所有联网的机器可以通过这个程序实现多人聊天的功能。
-1 instant messaging. Between different IP address of the machine this program can immediately send a text or pictures and other information.
(2) the sharing of resources. Between machines of different IP addresses can be shared through this program or another carry large volumes of documents and other information.
3 news release. All through this process and the machine to other machines networked publishing text or picture messages.
4 people chatting. All machines can be networked to achieve through this program more than chat function.
..\实验七 应用程序设计.doc
..\实验七 应用程序设计.doc