对于多输入多输出系统, 传统的基于训练序列的信道辨识方法为跟踪信道的变化, 必须
发送大量冗余信息, 传输效率较低 而基于子空间的纯盲方法又带有不可避免的模糊性, 辨识结果
精度不够。在子空间法的基础上, 利用少量训练符号估计出模糊矩阵, 以此矫正子空间法得到的结
果。仿真结果显示: 在保证辨识精度的前提下, 该方法减少了训练符号等冗余, 提高了传输效率。-In o rder to t rack the channel variat ion of MIMO OFDM sy stems, t radit io nal channel
identif icat io n methods based on training sequence had to send larg e amount of redundant informat ion,
w hich result s in low er eff iciency o f t ransmissio n. Meanw hile, the blind method based o n subspace may
have inevitable ambiguity and low er precision of identif icat io n. In this paper, an est imat io n method fo r the
ambiguity mat rix is proposed, which utilizes less tr aining symbo ls to rect ify the result s f rom subspace
method. T he simulation result s show that this pro posed algo rithm can reduce the amount of t raining
symbols and incr ease the ef ficiency of t ransmission.
发送大量冗余信息, 传输效率较低 而基于子空间的纯盲方法又带有不可避免的模糊性, 辨识结果
精度不够。在子空间法的基础上, 利用少量训练符号估计出模糊矩阵, 以此矫正子空间法得到的结
果。仿真结果显示: 在保证辨识精度的前提下, 该方法减少了训练符号等冗余, 提高了传输效率。-In o rder to t rack the channel variat ion of MIMO OFDM sy stems, t radit io nal channel
identif icat io n methods based on training sequence had to send larg e amount of redundant informat ion,
w hich result s in low er eff iciency o f t ransmissio n. Meanw hile, the blind method based o n subspace may
have inevitable ambiguity and low er precision of identif icat io n. In this paper, an est imat io n method fo r the
ambiguity mat rix is proposed, which utilizes less tr aining symbo ls to rect ify the result s f rom subspace
method. T he simulation result s show that this pro posed algo rithm can reduce the amount of t raining
symbols and incr ease the ef ficiency of t ransmission.