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goushi\A mathematical model to predict railway wheel.pdf

......\A new integrated model to predict wheel profile evolution due to wear.pdf

......\Abrasive waterjet turning—An efficient method to profile and dress.pdf

......\Analysis of wheel–rail interaction using FE software.pdf

......\Computer simulation of sub-micron-scale precision truing of.pdf

......\contact geometry influence on the rail surface stress distribution.pdf

......\Design of railway wheel profile taking into account rolling.pdf

......\Development of a wear prediction tool for steel railway wheels using three.pdf

......\Dispersed grinding wheel profiles for accurate freeform surfaces.pdf

......\Fatigue of railway wheels and rails under rolling contact.pdf

......\Impact of non-elliptic contact modelling in wheel wear simulation.pdf

......\Influence of track conditions and wheel wear state on the loads imposed.pdf

......\Optimal design of wheel profile for railway vehicles.pdf

......\optimal design of wheel profiles based on weighed wheel gap.pdf

......\Prediction model for wheel profile wear and rolling contact fatigue.pdf

......\Prediction of wheel profile wear—comparisons with.pdf

......\Problems with wheel and rail profiles selection and optimization.pdf

......\Profile wear of resin-bonded nickel-coated diamond.pdf


......\Simulation of railway wheel profile development due to wear—.pdf

......\study on munerical method to predict wheel profile evolution due to wear.PDF

......\The Generation of Variable Pitch Lead Screws .pdf

......\The intra-push velocity profile of the over-ground racing wheelchair.pdf

......\transmission of vertical stress in a real soil profile part2.pdf

......\Wheel profile design for target conicity and wide tread wear spreading.pdf



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