This book covers the essential information required to build an Android application. It will help
any developer, amateur, professional, or dabbler who is interested in developing for Android.
Over the course of the book, I cover the essentials you’ll need to get started with your own
innovative application. I took on this project because, after five years of working in the mobile
software industry, it has become clear that we need help. With mobile devices becoming more
ubiquitous, powerful, and, indeed, essential, fresh blood is necessary to overcome the stagnation
that has plagued our business. As an industry, we need to graduate from making cookie-cutter
ringtones, wallpaper, and e-mail applications. I hope, once you’ve finished this book, that you’ll
be in a position to start that killer mobile product you’ve told all your friends you’re going to
any developer, amateur, professional, or dabbler who is interested in developing for Android.
Over the course of the book, I cover the essentials you’ll need to get started with your own
innovative application. I took on this project because, after five years of working in the mobile
software industry, it has become clear that we need help. With mobile devices becoming more
ubiquitous, powerful, and, indeed, essential, fresh blood is necessary to overcome the stagnation
that has plagued our business. As an industry, we need to graduate from making cookie-cutter
ringtones, wallpaper, and e-mail applications. I hope, once you’ve finished this book, that you’ll
be in a position to start that killer mobile product you’ve told all your friends you’re going to