TOMBO紧凑可压缩孔径阵列模型的外文资料整理。包括基于TOMBO模型的多孔径成像探测技术和亚像元成像技术。-TOMBO compact model of the foreign compressible aperture array data compilation. Including model-based multi-aperture imaging TOMBO detection technology and sub-pixel imaging.
TOMBO\00Thin observation module by bound optics (TOMBO) an optoelectronic image capturing system.pdf
.....\01Thin Observation Module by Bound Optics (TOMBO) Concept and Experimental Verification.pdf
.....\06Image reconstruction for TOMBO by using the iterative backprojection method.pdf
.....\Reconstruction of a high-resolution image on a compound-eye image-capturing system.pdf
.....\Small 3D image capturing system by TOMBO.pdf
.....\01Thin Observation Module by Bound Optics (TOMBO) Concept and Experimental Verification.pdf
.....\06Image reconstruction for TOMBO by using the iterative backprojection method.pdf
.....\Reconstruction of a high-resolution image on a compound-eye image-capturing system.pdf
.....\Small 3D image capturing system by TOMBO.pdf