Tomcat:权威指南,提供每个人使用Tomcat的东西。系统和网络管理员会发现在安装,配置和维护的详细说明。对于用户来说,它提供有见地如何部署的Tomcat的信息。和经验丰富的企业级Java开发,将有一个建立,运行,并使用这个强大的软件完整的参考。本书涵盖了所有主要平台,包括WINDOWS,SOLARIS,LINUX,和Mac OS X,包含在Tomcat配置文件的详细信息,甚至有一个快速启动指南,让开发人员和运行用Java servlet和JavaServer Pages。-Tomcat: The Definitive Guide offers something for everyone who uses Tomcat. System and network administrators will find detailed instructions on installation, configuration, and maintenance. For users, it supplies insightful information on how to deploy Tomcat. And seasoned enterprise Java developers will have a complete reference to setting up, running, and using this powerful software. The book covers all major platforms, including Windows, Solaris, Linux, and Mac OS X, contains details on Tomcat configuration files, and even has a quick-start guide to get developers up and running with Java servlets and JavaServer Pages.