《大话数据结构》主要内容包含:数据结构介绍、算法推导大O阶的方法;顺序结构与链式结构差异、栈与队列的应用;串的朴素模式匹配、KMP模式匹配算法;二叉树前中后序遍历、赫夫曼树及应用;图的深度、广度遍历;最小生成树两种算法、最短路径两种算法;拓扑排序与关键路径算法;折半查找、插值查找、斐波那契查找等静态查找;稠密索引、分块索引、倒排索引等索引技术;冒泡、选择、插入等简单排序;希尔、堆、归并、快速等改进排序-" Westward the data structure," the main contents include: Introduction of data structures, algorithms, Big O-order method is derived sequence differences in the structure and chain structure, the application stack and queue series of simple pattern matching, KMP pattern matching algorithm binary ago in post-order traversal, Huffman tree and applications map the depth, breadth traversal minimum spanning two algorithms, the shortest path of two algorithms topological sort and critical path algorithm binary search, interpolation search, Fibonacci search Find other static dense index, block index, inverted index and other indexing techniques bubble, selection, and other simple insertion sort Hill, heap, merge, quick sorting and other improvements