My first book, “μC/OS, The Real-Time Kernel” is now 6 years old and the publisher has sold well
over 15,000 copies around the world. When I was asked to do a second edition, I thought it would
be a fairly straightforward task a few corrections here and there, clarify a few concepts, add a
function or two to the kernel, etc. If you have a copy of the first edition, you will notice that
“μC/OS-II, The Real-Time Kernel” is in fact a major revision. For some strange reason, I wasn’t
satisfied with minor corrections. Also, when my publisher told me that this time, the book would
be a ‘hard cover’, I really wanted to give you your moneys worth. In all, I added more than 200
new pages, and re-wrote the majority of the pages I did keep. I added a porting guide to help you
port μC/OS-II to the processor of your choice. Also, I added a chapter that will guide you through
upgrading a μC/OS port to μC/OS-II.-My first book, “μC/OS, The Real-Time Kernel” is now 6 years old and the publisher has sold well
over 15,000 copies around the world. When I was asked to do a second edition, I thought it would
be a fairly straightforward task a few corrections here and there, clarify a few concepts, add a
function or two to the kernel, etc. If you have a copy of the first edition, you will notice that
“μC/OS-II, The Real-Time Kernel” is in fact a major revision. For some strange reason, I wasn’t
satisfied with minor corrections. Also, when my publisher told me that this time, the book would
be a ‘hard cover’, I really wanted to give you your moneys worth. In all, I added more than 200
new pages, and re-wrote the majority of the pages I did keep. I added a porting guide to help you
port μC/OS-II to the processor of your choice. Also, I added a chapter that will guide you through
upgrading a μC/OS port to μC/OS-II.
over 15,000 copies around the world. When I was asked to do a second edition, I thought it would
be a fairly straightforward task a few corrections here and there, clarify a few concepts, add a
function or two to the kernel, etc. If you have a copy of the first edition, you will notice that
“μC/OS-II, The Real-Time Kernel” is in fact a major revision. For some strange reason, I wasn’t
satisfied with minor corrections. Also, when my publisher told me that this time, the book would
be a ‘hard cover’, I really wanted to give you your moneys worth. In all, I added more than 200
new pages, and re-wrote the majority of the pages I did keep. I added a porting guide to help you
port μC/OS-II to the processor of your choice. Also, I added a chapter that will guide you through
upgrading a μC/OS port to μC/OS-II.-My first book, “μC/OS, The Real-Time Kernel” is now 6 years old and the publisher has sold well
over 15,000 copies around the world. When I was asked to do a second edition, I thought it would
be a fairly straightforward task a few corrections here and there, clarify a few concepts, add a
function or two to the kernel, etc. If you have a copy of the first edition, you will notice that
“μC/OS-II, The Real-Time Kernel” is in fact a major revision. For some strange reason, I wasn’t
satisfied with minor corrections. Also, when my publisher told me that this time, the book would
be a ‘hard cover’, I really wanted to give you your moneys worth. In all, I added more than 200
new pages, and re-wrote the majority of the pages I did keep. I added a porting guide to help you
port μC/OS-II to the processor of your choice. Also, I added a chapter that will guide you through
upgrading a μC/OS port to μC/OS-II.