讨论HTML5 的Canvas、Geolocation 、Communication、WebSocket、Forms、Web Workers、Storage 等API 的使用, 辅以直观明了的客户端和服务器端示例代码,让开发人员能够迅速理解和掌握新一代Web 标准所涵盖的核心技术。-翻译结果(中 > 英)复制结果
Discussion of HTML5 Canvas, Geolocation, Communication, WebSocket, Forms, Web Workers, Storage API use, supplemented with an intuitive understanding of the client and server code, so that developers can quickly understand and master the new generation Web standard covers the core technology.
Discussion of HTML5 Canvas, Geolocation, Communication, WebSocket, Forms, Web Workers, Storage API use, supplemented with an intuitive understanding of the client and server code, so that developers can quickly understand and master the new generation Web standard covers the core technology.
html5 Reference manual.chm