可转债论文,研究定价,模型,方法,赎回,回售等-This thesis is devoted to evaluating two-factor convertible bonds. Di® erent zero-
coupon bond curves are inputted when evaluating convertible bonds issued by com-
panies with di® erent credit ratings. Thus the e® ect of the company s credit on the
price of the convertible bond is easily and accurately included during the computa-
tion. In the model for the interest rate, the parameters in the variance are determined
from the market data by statistics and the market price of risk is determined by a
zero-coupon bond curve through solving an inverse problem. When we price the con-
vertible bond, a free-boundary problem is solved. A Singularity-Separating Method
(SSM) is proposed in order to solve this problem e±ciently. Taking the market data
coupon bond curves are inputted when evaluating convertible bonds issued by com-
panies with di® erent credit ratings. Thus the e® ect of the company s credit on the
price of the convertible bond is easily and accurately included during the computa-
tion. In the model for the interest rate, the parameters in the variance are determined
from the market data by statistics and the market price of risk is determined by a
zero-coupon bond curve through solving an inverse problem. When we price the con-
vertible bond, a free-boundary problem is solved. A Singularity-Separating Method
(SSM) is proposed in order to solve this problem e±ciently. Taking the market data