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房屋出租信息管理系统 系统说明:








系统开发环境: visual studio 2008 + sqlserver2000(可以转sql2005)

系统后台架构技术: 界面层,业务逻辑层,数据层3层分离技术 -Rental information management system Descr iption: (1) Housing Management: each lot to be rental housing registration, and in accordance with the type of rental, residential name, price range query and management of housing records. (2) Check Management: Registration of the new stay, query and modify the historical occupancy staff & def handlers withdrawal. (3) rent management: Registration of head of household rent payment record, query and modify the historical payment record (4) electricity management: can the monthly electricity consumption of households collect and manage. (5) Water management: You can collect and manage the household' s monthly electricity consumption. (6) costs to statistics: the historical record of the charges quantitative analysis of the query, statistics and arrears of rent tenants. (7) The system settings: some of the information system maintenance, such as to change my password, set up utilities unit price information. System Development Environment:
相关搜索: hourserentsystem






















































































................\.......\[强烈推荐] 超漂亮的仿腾讯弹出层效果(兼容主流浏览器).html

................\.......\[强烈推荐] 超漂亮的仿腾讯弹出框效果(兼容主流浏览器).html

















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