1、 构造一个学生结构体数组,成员包括学号,姓名,四门成绩,以及平均成绩;
2、 从键盘上输入学生的学号,姓名和四门成绩;
3、 找出学生中考试没有通过的学生姓名并输出;找出考试在90分以上的学生并输出。
-1, construct a student array of structures, members of the Student ID, name, four score and grade point average from the keyboard to enter the student' s student number, name, and the four results to identify students in the exam did not pass The student' s name, and output to find out the examination of students in more than 90 points and output.
2、 从键盘上输入学生的学号,姓名和四门成绩;
3、 找出学生中考试没有通过的学生姓名并输出;找出考试在90分以上的学生并输出。
-1, construct a student array of structures, members of the Student ID, name, four score and grade point average from the keyboard to enter the student' s student number, name, and the four results to identify students in the exam did not pass The student' s name, and output to find out the examination of students in more than 90 points and output.
define m 4.docx