1 Haar Wavelets
1.1 The Haar transform
1.2 Conservation and compaction of energy
1.3 Haar wavelets
1.4 Multiresolution analysis
1.5 Compression of audio signals
1.6 Removing noise from audio signals
1.7 Notes and references
2 Daub echies wavelets
2.1 The Daub4 wavelets
2.2 Conservation and compaction of energy
2.3 Other Daubechies wavelets
2.4 Compression of audio signals
2.5 Quantization, entropy, and compression
2.6 Denoising audio signals
2.7 Two-dimensional wavelet transforms
2.8 Compression of images
2.9 Fingerprint compression
2.10 Denoising images
2.11 Some topics in image processing
2.12 Notes and references
3 Frequency analysis
3.1 Discrete Fourier analysis
3.2 Definition of the DFT and its properties
3.3 Frequency descr iption of wavelet analysis
3.4 Correlation and feature detection
3.5 Object detection in 2D images
3.6 Creating scaling signals and wavelets
3.7 Notes and references
1.1 The Haar transform
1.2 Conservation and compaction of energy
1.3 Haar wavelets
1.4 Multiresolution analysis
1.5 Compression of audio signals
1.6 Removing noise from audio signals
1.7 Notes and references
2 Daub echies wavelets
2.1 The Daub4 wavelets
2.2 Conservation and compaction of energy
2.3 Other Daubechies wavelets
2.4 Compression of audio signals
2.5 Quantization, entropy, and compression
2.6 Denoising audio signals
2.7 Two-dimensional wavelet transforms
2.8 Compression of images
2.9 Fingerprint compression
2.10 Denoising images
2.11 Some topics in image processing
2.12 Notes and references
3 Frequency analysis
3.1 Discrete Fourier analysis
3.2 Definition of the DFT and its properties
3.3 Frequency descr iption of wavelet analysis
3.4 Correlation and feature detection
3.5 Object detection in 2D images
3.6 Creating scaling signals and wavelets
3.7 Notes and references