经过基本的编程训练后,很多人已经能编写解决小问题的程序,对程序的开发也有了初步的认识,还掌握了C 语言的基本语法,这一过程确确实实令很多人感到欣喜,有点计算机可以完成自我任务的成就感。但是,对于程序设计而言,学习C 的步伐不应该停留于此。我们最终的目的应该是掌握开发大型综合程序的方法,即遵循软件工程的开发步骤和结构化程序设计思想,用C 语言开发出解决复杂问题的大型综合程序,这本书可以帮助读者打下坚实的基础-After basic programming training, many people have been able to write a program to solve a small problem, have a preliminary understanding of the development of the program, but also to grasp the basic syntax of C language, this process is indeed a lot of people are delighted, a littlethe computer can complete the self-task accomplishment. However, for program design, the pace of learning C should not stay here. Our ultimate goal should be to grasp the development of large-scale integrated program, that is to follow the development process of software engineering and structured program design ideas developed to solve complex problems of large-scale integrated program in C language, this book can help readers to lay a solid basis