步进电机是一种将电能转化为角位移的装置。本设计中,当它接收到一个脉冲信号,步进电机按预定的方向转动一个固定的角度,在非超载的情况下,电机的转速、停止的位置只取决于脉冲信号的频率和脉冲数,而不受负载变化的影响,即给电机加一个脉冲信号,电机则转过一个步距角。这一线性关系的存在,加上步进电机只有周期性的误差而无累积误差等特点。-Stepper motor is a kind of electrical energy into angular displacement device.In this design, when it receives a pulse signal, the stepper motor according to a predetermined direction of rotation of a fixed point of view, in the overload situation, the motor speed, stop position depends only on the pulse frequency and pulse number, regardless of load changes, namely to motor a pulse signal, the motor is turned to a step angle.The existence of this linear relationship, and the stepper motor only periodic error without accumulated error and so on.
Stepper motor angle control system.txt