The problems of robust stability and robust stabilization of linear state-space
systems with parameter uncertainties have been extensively studied in the
past decades [25, 209]. Many results on these topics have been proposed.
Among the different approaches that deal with these problems, the methods
based on the concepts of quadratic stability and quadratic stabilizability have
become popular. An uncertain system is quadratically stable if there exists a
fixed Lyapunov function to infer the stability of the uncertain system, while
an uncertain system is quadratically stabilizable if there exists a feedback controller
such that the closed-loop system is quadratically stable. Many results
on quadratic stability and quadratic stabilizability have been reported in both
the continuous and discrete contexts
systems with parameter uncertainties have been extensively studied in the
past decades [25, 209]. Many results on these topics have been proposed.
Among the different approaches that deal with these problems, the methods
based on the concepts of quadratic stability and quadratic stabilizability have
become popular. An uncertain system is quadratically stable if there exists a
fixed Lyapunov function to infer the stability of the uncertain system, while
an uncertain system is quadratically stabilizable if there exists a feedback controller
such that the closed-loop system is quadratically stable. Many results
on quadratic stability and quadratic stabilizability have been reported in both
the continuous and discrete contexts
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