In each power utility, a numbers of different tests are
conducted for evaluating the quality of transformer oil. The
information provided by each measurement and analysis
techniques has varying degree of significance towards the
identification of quality of oil. Consequently, it is important to
understand the accuracy of different interpretations. In this
paper, Dissolved Gas in oil Analysis (DGA), one of the most
important tools for transformer fault diagnosis is investigated. In
a case study different DGA diagnosis methods are compared at
different rated voltage levels and based on the obtained results
accuracy of each method is calculated. The examined dataset
conducted for evaluating the quality of transformer oil. The
information provided by each measurement and analysis
techniques has varying degree of significance towards the
identification of quality of oil. Consequently, it is important to
understand the accuracy of different interpretations. In this
paper, Dissolved Gas in oil Analysis (DGA), one of the most
important tools for transformer fault diagnosis is investigated. In
a case study different DGA diagnosis methods are compared at
different rated voltage levels and based on the obtained results
accuracy of each method is calculated. The examined dataset