Destoon B2B网站管理系统是一套完善的B2B(电子商务)行业门户解决方案。系统基于PHP+MySQL开发,采用B/S架构,模板与程序分离,源码开放。模型化的开发思路,可扩展或删除任何功能;创新的缓存技术与数据库设计,可负载千万级别数据容量及访问。
-Destoon B2B Web Site Management System is a comprehensive B2B industry portal (e-commerce) solutions. The system is based on PHP+ MySQL development, the use of B/S architecture, templates and procedures for separation, open-source. Model of the development of ideas, extend or delete any functionality innovative caching techniques and database design, you can load ten million level data capacity and access.
-Destoon B2B Web Site Management System is a comprehensive B2B industry portal (e-commerce) solutions. The system is based on PHP+ MySQL development, the use of B/S architecture, templates and procedures for separation, open-source. Model of the development of ideas, extend or delete any functionality innovative caching techniques and database design, you can load ten million level data capacity and access.